14th January 2014 ACS delivers for US banking client:

Bulletin: ACS delivers a calculation engine for US Final Rules Basel III focussing on the delivery of both Basel II and Basel III Counterparty Credit Risk RWA’s from a US Fed perspective based upon rules issued in July 2013.

Overview of solution delivered:

  • Development of an E2E ETL solution to pull data from the core warehouse, securitisation sources and Home Loan systems in support of the US requirements.
  • Development of complex rules and routines to correctly classify exposures and calculate Standardised EAD.
  • Design and development of a counterparty hierarchy and connections system to ensure that the correct PD was allocated based upon Counterparty, Counterparty Parent and Guarantors.
  • Delivery of regulatory schedules for reporting AIRB exposures to the US Fed on returns FFIEC101 and FR Y-9C.
  • Design and development of an Internal Management Reporting mart to report comparatives between US AIRB, US Standardised, UK AIRB, UK Standardised and Pooled v/s Granular Home Loans.


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